Governance and implementation - European Union Skip to main content
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Governance and implementation

This panel will discuss how we can ensure that implementation and investments are accelerated at a pace and scale to match the emerging water crisis.

© Roman via Adobe Stock

See the recording of this session

The EU has a robust rules in place to protect water and aquatic ecosystems. If those rules were respected in full, the current crisis would be less pressing. In reality, however, we face a significant gap between the agreed policy and its practical implementation and enforcement.

Without significant additional public and private investments, progress will be too slow and too little.

We need to become better at applying the ‘Polluter Pays’ and the ‘Do No Significant Harm’ principles also in the national budgets. How can we ensure that implementation and investments are accelerated so that they match the scale and pace of the emerging water crisis?

Join our discussion to find out.


  • water | water protection | water pollution | environmental protection
  • Thursday 30 May 2024, 15:35 - 16:45 (CEST)
  • Belgium
  • Belgium


Practical information

Thursday 30 May 2024, 15:35 - 16:45 (CEST)
Charlemagne building, Gasperi room