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EU Green Week


Member to the ICPDR, Sava River Commission and Barcelona Convention, Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of Slovenia


Mitja Bricelj, Ph.D., a geographer, is the member to the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, Sava Commission and Barcelona Convention, from Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning.

Activities and positions in the period 1990 – 2024:

  • Member of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of Slovenia,
  • Co-funding member of International Commission for Sava River Basin, 
  • Coordinator of Coastal Area Management Program Slovenia (UNEP/MAP 2004-2007),
  • President of the Bureau of Barcelona Convention (2005- 2008 and 2023- 2025),
  • Slovenian President od the International Commission for Protection Danube River/ICPDR (2010), 
  • Coordinator of the Environmental Pillar of European Strategy for Adriatic Ionian region /EUSAIR, 
  • Former president od Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development/MCSD
  • Former president of Geographic Society of Slovenia

Author of three independent publications and numerous articles.