Partner Events Agenda - European Union Skip to main content
EU Green Week

Partner Events Agenda

Apply now


Every year hundreds of organisations decide to join this big festival dedicated to promoting, debating and benefiting from European environmental policies. Partner events are not bound by any format or style – it is up to their organisers to decide what suits their target audience best.  

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment welcomes workshops, webinars, public debates, guided walks, awareness-raising events, exhibitions, social club activities as well as other possible set-ups. Partner events can be organised in person, online or as hybrid events with in-person and digital elements. Whatever the format, partner events should be organised, ideally, in an environmentally-friendly and sustainable manner. 

EU Green Week partner events are not organised by the European Commission. Any views expressed by the organisers, speakers or participants in those events are their own and should not be regarded as official views of the European Commission. 

If you are interested in organising one or several event(s) that can engage citizens in circular economy aspects and help foster a lively public conversation, please consult our guidelines and start preparing your event. 

The application period will be open between 3 -21 March. 

Timeline 2025

  1. Mid-February - 21.03.2025
    Promotion of Partner Events call for application.

    Promotion of partner events call for application via DG Environment website, social media and different networks. Preparation of events’ concepts and applications by events’ organisers.

  2. 03.03 - 21.03.2025
    Application period / Partner Events registration

    Application period for partner events registration.

    For any question during this period, please contact .

  3. 24.03 - 11.04.2025
    Assessment of Partner Events applications and communication of assessment results to Partner Events organisers
  4. 14.04 - 30.06.2025
    Provision of ‘circular economy’ communication toolkit for its local adaptation by partner events organisers
  5. 14.04 - 23.05.2025
    Partner Events website update with confirmed events
  6. 01.06 - 30.06.2025
    Partner Events take place

General information

Taking part in EU Green Week is an excellent way to show how civil society and other stakeholders are playing an active role in Europe's transition to a greener future. Partner event organisers can also benefit from enhanced visibility through exposure on the European Commission’s social media channels, using a tailor-made EU Green Week 2025 digital toolkit and other incentives. 

It is important to remember that the European Commission maintains rigorous standards on greenwashing. Any event that is deemed to promote greenwashing will not be approved for partnership and promotion. The same applies to any events that give misleading information or a false impression of the extent to which products or services are environmentally sound. Moreover, partner events must not serve as a platform for commercial, profit-oriented, religious or political purposes. 


In case you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact the Partner Events Secretariat.